Frederick University is an energetic and vibrant private university operating in the Republic of Cyprus, a member state of the European Union. Frederick University was established after a decision by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus on 12th September 2007. Although the establishment of the University is relatively recent, the organisation has a long history of more than 50 years in higher education. Frederick University operates from two campuses, the main campus in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus and the other campus in Limassol, the second largest city.
For centuries, international shipping has been critical to the development of world trade. The inter-relationships between falling transportation costs, economic growth and globalisation are in continual motion as supply chain networks ceaselessly evolve. These elements: shipping, trading patterns and organization are the fundamentals of the programme while the legal, financial, and managerial aspects of trade and transport form the superstructure. The course delivers a comprehensive integrated overview of the core subjects essential to a thorough understanding of international trade and transport. Specifically, the course aims to develop the generic business skills required by managers working in the area of international trade and maritime business; develop critical analytical skills and apply them to the challenges they continually meet.
Academic Requirement: A good undergraduate degree from a recognised university or an equivalent international qualification or an acceptable professional qualification. Candidates’ specific minimum academic requirements for admittance to the program are:
Undergraduate degree with a business orientation or
Undergraduate degree in any other area - not business oriented-, provided the candidate has substantial experience in a managerial post within a business environment or
A professional qualification such as Membership of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Master Mariner’s or Chief Engineer’s Certificate of Competency. This will only apply where the candidate has satisfactory business experience
English Language Requirement: If you are studying or have completed your entire degree in a non- English speaking university, you must demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of English language. Suitable qualifications may include:
TOEFL, IELTS, GCSE, IGCSE, Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English or equivalent) or
High school leaving certificate from a High School where the language of instruction is English or
Α pass (50%) at the English Placement Test of our University.