University of Cyprus aims to establish itself as a Pioneer Research Institution achieving International Scientific Recognition in European Higher Education, offering Competitive Programmes and to become a Centre of Excellence in the wider Euro - Mediterranean Region.
To graduate with a degree in International, European and Economic Studies, studentsmust complete at least 240* ects. In addition, the following requirements must befulfilled:1. At least 111 ects must be from the Department of Economics (course codes ECO)from which 63 ects refer to compulsory courses.2. At least 20 ects as free electives. These courses have to be taken in at least threedifferent Schools of the University.Students are entitled to attend ONLY two Sport courses (total 6 ECTS) which will count asone elective course.3. At least 24 ects must be from the Department of Accounting and Finance (coursecodes AFN) or/ and from Department of Business and Public Administration (coursecodes BPA).4. At least 12 ects must be from a list of specific courses from the Department of Socialand Political Sciences (course codes SPS).5. At least 12 ects must be from a list of specific courses from the Department of Law(course codes LAW).6. At least 10 ects must be from a list of specific courses from the Department ofHistory and Archaeology (course codes HIS).7. 18 ects from compulsory courses offered from other departments.8. At least 15 ects as English language courses and9. At least 15 ects as course from another foreign language (3 levels required).* The sum of the minimum ects of requirements 1-9 is 237 ects. Therefore, onemore course would have to be taken from requirements 1-3 to complete atleast 240 ects that are required for the degree.