CyI has been developed as an international science and technology organization, to strengthen the research community of Cyprus, help transform its economy to a knowledge-based economy and to create a research hub for the Eastern Mediterranean region. For realizing its vision the Institute is developing pioneering research infrastructures and programs involving cutting-edge, high throughput technologies, in order to address problems of local and regional significance and of international interest and providing high quality graduate education and training in related areas.
The full name of the final degree is Doctor of Philosophy in Computational Sciences. The program will educate students and carry out significant research in Computational Science with specialization in important fields that require High Performance Computing such as climate modeling, high-energy and nuclear physics, materials science, computational chemistry, 3D visualization and computational biology. More precisely, the program educates future researchers in mathematical modeling and computational methods and techniques needed to solve complex scientific and engineering problems, as well as in management and visualization of complex data sets.