Το Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας, το μεγαλύτερο πανεπιστήμιο στην Κύπρο, με περισσότερους από 11,500 φοιτητές από 70 και πλέον χώρες του κόσμου, οι οποίοι συνυπάρχουν σε ένα καινοτόμο και πολυεπίπεδο πλαίσιο μάθησης, αποτελεί τον ιδανικό χώρο για να χτίσετε το μέλλον σας.
Με έδρα τη Λευκωσία, την πρωτεύουσα της χώρας, και παρουσία σε άλλες 18 πόλεις σε όλο τον κόσμο, το UNIC, όπως είναι γνωστό, καθοδηγείται από την επιδίωξη της αριστείας στη διδασκαλία και τη μάθηση, την καινοτομία, την έρευνα, την τεχνολογία, και ένα συνεχώς εξελισσόμενο ακαδημαϊκό περιβάλλον.
Περιγραφή ΠρογράμματοςAimsThe programme aims to train students in a variety of theoretical viewpoints from different fields in psychology and teach them the skills to practice effectively with different populations. The main goal of this programme is to train students to design and conduct research and apply the knowledge from this research effectively into practice. Of outmost importance is that the students develop an ethical professional identity that will guide their work as researchers and practitioners.ObjectivesThe Master of Science degree program in Counseling Psychology is built upon the scientist-practitioner model of education and training where science and practice are viewed as complementary and interdependent. The program aims to integrate the academic, research, and professional components of counseling psychology into a program that promotes knowledge, experience, and sensitivity to the tradition of counseling psychology that prepares students for careers as professional psychologists in Cyprus and other European countries. With the completion of this program students have all the necessary qualifications for admissions to programs of doctoral study in Cyprus or abroad.Προοπτικές ΣταδιοδρομίαςOn successful completion of the program graduates will be able to work in different professional settings of the private or public sector since their degree can give them license to work in Cyprus as Counseling Psychologists.Potential employment opportunities include: In different Counseling centers, clinics, schools, business sector, private office and in the public sectors Counseling Psychologists can now be employed in clinics, hospitals or different organizations.Πρόσβαση σε Περαιτέρω ΣπουδέςUpon graduation, students may have direct access to further postgraduate (PhD, or PsyD) studies mainly in Counseling Psychology or Clinical Psychology (depending on the University).